Thursday, June 28, 2018

Attitudes that spell success in network marketing

The ability to make it big in network marketing depends on two factors: selling products and bringing in new members into one’s network. There’s a wealth of attitudes and traits that can help one succeed in these two endeavors – here are some worth pondering on. 

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Teamwork: Competition is so rife in daily life that it becomes “a man for himself” and everyone is so preoccupied about climbing to the top alone. This cannot work in network marketing, which operates in a unique framework and demands the accomplishment and success of everyone on the team. It’s a much-needed mindset change, one that’s quite different from what we’re taught when it comes to succeeding. 

Calm and positivity: Prevailing over obstacles in selling, recruiting, and marketing, in general, requires a sharp mind and a calm spirit. It’s a personality overhaul that entails emptying the mind of intense insecurity, worry, fear, and negativity, and replacing all these with calmness and a positive disposition. This way, producing winning techniques comes more natural. 

Masterminding: This might be a new concept to some, but successful network marketers maintain a group of mentors and recognize winners in their group to inspire and help them. They also have mentors outside the field to teach them stuff about marketing, business management, finance, and more. 

Good interpersonal skills: It’s a people business, and therefore a good network marketer should have excellent people skills. He or she should genuinely love to be around people, hear their stories and pain points, and build lasting relationships.

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Jason Boreyko is a seasoned expert in network marketing, having been both a successful distributor and the CEO and co-founder of one of the world’s fastest-growing companies. More articles like this on this page.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Communicate Ideas Effectively With These Methods

There are a few people who can be considered gifted communicators. In reality, more people find themselves struggling especially when it comes to sharing their ideas with a group. Below are some methods speakers can use to better articulate their ideas:

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Go straight to the whys

In corporate settings, most of the people inside the meeting room have other seemingly pressing concerns. To get their attention and make the most of their time, be straightforward when it comes to discussing goals and intent. Instead of beating around the bush, showing a determined attitude can be refreshing for listeners. It will also get more done and decided in a short amount of time.

Don't depend on the slide presentation

The classic PowerPoint presentation can still be effective in presenting an idea. However, the usual crowded slides and templates might be a hindrance to a successful presentation. Instead of putting the whole spiel in the slides, it would be helpful to project only the graphs and important keywords to draw the listeners' attention to the speaker. Leaving some details out of the slides can also encourage listeners to form their own ideas about the topic. It also urges the speaker to be more confident and spontaneous.

Encourage interaction

Some speakers are scared to ask the opinions of their listeners because it might distract them from the main point of the presentation. While interacting with listeners can be challenging, it can ease the tension and make them feel comfortable in the speaker's presence. After establishing rapport, going through the essential points will be easier. Listeners will also feel invested in the discussion, which might lead to them lending their support and approval.

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Speaking to a group of people doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With the right information and techniques, a speaker will be able to share observations and concepts effectively.

Jason Boreyko was the recipient of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. He wrote the book 'Think it, Act it, Become it!' He and his wife, model, entrepreneur and author Tara Brooke Boreyko, have two children, Jaden and Skye. For similar reads, visit this page.